In a picturesque celebration of love, British-American actor Anya Taylor Joy and American musician Malcolm McRae tied the knot in a splendid wedding ceremony held in the ethereal city of Venice, Italy. The historic Palazzo Pieani Moretta served as the backdrop for their nuptials, setting the stage for a truly memorable event. The star-studded affair, reported by the Daily Mail, was attended by a constellation of celebrities, including the likes of Miles Teller, Julia Garner, Cara Delevingne, Nicolas Hoult, and Evan Ross. Their union marks a beautiful journey that began when they first crossed paths at the premiere of Taylor Joy’s acclaimed series, “The Queen’s Gambit,” in March 2021.
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Surrounded by the timeless charm of Venice and the presence of their esteemed guests, Anya Taylor Joy and Malcolm McRae’s wedding was a blend of culture, glamour, and romance. As the couple exchanged vows in the historic Palazzo Pieani Moretta, they embarked on a new chapter of their lives together, sharing their love story with the world. The wedding, undoubtedly one of the most talked-about events in the entertainment industry, is a testament to the enduring allure of Venice and the power of love, bringing together two talented individuals from different worlds in a celebration that will be remembered for years to come.